
Snemmtæk íhlutun fyrir fjölskyldur 

Fjallað um norrænar niðurstöður þann 8. október. Námsstefnan hentar fyrir fagfólk á vettvangi, rannsakendur, stjórnendur og aðila innan velferðarþjónustu.


Í Norræna húsinu þann 8. október n.k. klukkan 9 - 16 verður haldin námsstefna á vegum Norrænu velferðarmiðstöðvarinnar (Nordens velferdscenter) í samvinnu við Rannsóknastofnun í barna og fjölskylduvernd (RBF), Velferðarsvið Reykjavíkurborgar, Barnaverndarstofu, Velferðarráðuneytið og Ís-Forsa. Námsstefnan fer fram á ensku og er aðgangur ókeypis. Efnið á erindi við fagfólk á vettvangi, rannsakendur, stjórnendur og stefnumótandi aðila innan velferðarþjónustunnar á sviði barna og fjölskyldumála.
Sjá dagskrá námsstefnunnar hér
"Nordens velferdscenter" hefur staðið fyrir námsstefnum á Norðurlöndunum og stóð m.a. fyrir degi um „Snemmtæk íhlutun fyrir fjölskyldur" í desember 2012 í Stokkhólmi. Unnið er að miðlun niðurstaðna úr verkefninu með kynningum og námsstefnum.



NORDIC CHILDREN – Early intervention for children and families

Reykjavik, October 8, 2013

9.00 Registration

9.30 Introduction

9.45 Development of the Nordic welfare model

Ewa Persson Göransson, Director, Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues

10.00 Nordic cooperation on early intervention

Elísabet Karlsdóttir, Centre for Children and Family Research, Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland

10.10 Early intervention for children and families - summary of the project and its results

Kristin Marklund, Project Manager, Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues

10.30 Early support from the health center, kindergarten and school in Hafnarfjordur, based on PMTO

Margrét Sigmarsdóttir, Psychologist, Project Manager PMTO, Iceland

11.00 Coffee

11.20 Children can´t wait! – Experience from the national implementation of the TIBIR in Norway

Terje Christiansen, The Norwegian Center for Child Behaviorial Development (Atferdssenteret), Norge

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Social work wins by good documentation!

Ulla Krogager, consulting director at Mødrehjælpen (Mother Support), Denmark, talks about manual-based work in practice and how to document and follow up results at the individual, group and organizational level

13.40 Panel Discussion: What early interventions are implemented in Iceland and how do we know they work?

Panelists will be announced later

14.15 Coffee

14.30 How to succeed with the implementation?

Examples from research and practice Knut Sundell, The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), Sverige

15.05 Evidence-based risk and protective factors and how they can be used in practice

Henrik Andershed, Professor of psychology at the University of Örebro, and Anna-Karin Andershed, lecturer at Örebro University, have made a review of research on risk and protective factors. What factors are most important during the preschool years, and how can interventions be tailored to reduce risk factors and strengthen the protective factors? Henrik Andershed makes the presentation

15.40 FILM: Children make a difference!

The film is an example of both a useful method to evoke young people's opinions and of the kind of opinions that emerge when the young have their say. The film is one of the project's results and was developed in cooperation with, among others, the organization Adults for Children (Voksne for Barn) in Norway.

16.00 End of seminar


ICE-CCFR, Centre for Children and Family Research, Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland

 Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues

 Department of Welfare, City of Reykjavik

 Government Agency for Child Protection

 Ministry of Welfare

 Ís-Forsa

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